Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Jason Ingram was the one responsible for removing the signs and ribbons directing people to the gathering site

So.. it turns out that Jason Ingram was the one responsible for removing signs, ribbons, and stone piles that were directing others to the gathering site.

He has been telling others that in person and made the above reply.

Though it is probably not illegal it just goes to show that this public official is a disgrace to the office he was elected to serve by the people.

People could not rely on Google maps this year because the directions it would give would be wrong.

The fact that Jason Ingram was even changing some signs to point people in the wrong directions towards roads that lead nowhere near the gathering and on some that were extremely dangerous for use is totally fucked up.

He could have cared less about anything bad that could have happened as an outcome by him doing this.

There were children and elderly folk that could have ended up in an unsafe and dangerous situation because of HIS direct actions!

Not very honorable or becoming of an elected public official huh?


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