Monday, July 15, 2024

James Parisho aka James Wilton

Well... it appears that James Parisho has created another Facebook account under a new name that is James Wilton.

Pretty original considering he uses his own first name on his new profile.

I get it that others sometime get banned from the various Facebook groups they are on and in order to be able to continue to see what is going on within those group they will often create new profiles.

But why does James feel the need to to stand up for himself, praise himself, and use his new profile to talk about himself in third person from his make believe new profile.

He must think of himself as being a pretty clever individual huh? 

(Notice he posted his own certificate that no one else would have and referring to himself in third person?)

But, in all reality, he is just showing others that he is truly dishonest and deceitful with his interactions with others in Rainbow and that no one can trust anything that comes out of his mouth whether it is online or in person!

He deleted a lot of his new profile's replys that were standing up for "James Parisho", (himself), saying what a great guy he was and how his carrying a firearm has helped others, prevented violence, and saved lives.

I guess he can't even keep himself from getting his profiles mixed up and who he is anymore.

Him responding to a post calling him out but as himself under his new profile...

And then there being no doubt that James Wilton is none other than James Parisho himself...

And... we can not forget James saying that Sheriffs are not cops. Last time I checked they sure were LEO. The guy is showing just how delusional he truly is if he thinks he is going to even run for Sherrif somewhere and even more delusional to think he could win in the first place.

Why does James Parisho feel the need to lie and decieve people with his continuous con and playing games?

What is HIS personal agendas and motives within Rainbow?

Why do others continue to back, support, and follow this proven liar?

It only becomes a much greater and important issue because he is constantly going out of his way to represent and speak for Rainbow itself and as a whole every chance he gets, wherever he can, and whenever he can.

How can the general public expect to believe this guy when he speaks for Rainbow when Rainbows can not even trust what the guy says himself? 

Though it might seem comical and entertaining it definitely is no where close to being funny at all.

And why do the other admin on Facebook allow it to continue unchecked?

I guess James Parisho definitely does worship Trump and wants to be Trump by constantly lying just like his idol does to the American public except Rainbow is James Parisho's target audience.

At what point does someone repeatedly cause more harm than good for Rainbow?

Though I ask that about myself at times...

I personally feel that James Parisho is truly developmentally challenged or even borderline mentally retarded at this point.

We can only hope it has not been passed down to his own children. 

What a sheisty mother fucker he truly is!


Don't just stand by idle while this idiot scumbag destroys Rainbow from within...

I guess Rainbow does have all walks of life!

The good, the bad, and the ugly!

And yes James Parisho is NOT good, extremely bad... and definitely bum fuckin ugly!

Welcome the fuck home!

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