Saturday, July 13, 2024

Blue Ridge Rainbow Gathering

It looks like it is going to be in the George Washington National Forest somewheres in Virginia outside of Luray.

Stay tuned...

Directions WILL be posted on here soon when the lightline releases the information!

And, just like pretty much all other Rainbow gatherings lately, this gathering is run by their own Rainbow leaders.

There are people on the site that are getting ready to hold their leadership council as we speak.

But they are only telling a select few where this council of theirs is being held at so they can only have the people the LEADERS of this regional want there to make the decisions for the rest.

Have to admit... this is pretty fucked up!

Wasn't the point of Rainbow having no leaders?

So shit like this does not occur?

Yet here we are with more invite only private Rainbow councils happening more and more!

How the fuck can these people even call this particular gathering Rainbow anymore?

How a select few of people can hold a private council amongst themselves that others are not invited to attend, except who they want tgereis beyond comprehension and the furthest thing from what Rainbow was intended to be...

Then everyone else are expected to wait for their decisions and until the leaders are ready to announce their secret little council's decisions to others.

If this is not leaders controlling this Rainbow gathering with their own personal agendas then what the fuck is going on?

Starting to see the cultish aspect more and more...

In all reality it is nothing more than a group of a select few people deciding to hold their own party and get together in our forest and calling it a Rainbow Gathering.

Rainbow IS truly dying and decaying all around us and at the hands of a very small a amount of people that are soley responsible for the fall of Rainbow and it's gatherings.

And the Blueridge Rainbow leaders are no different than the other Rainbow leaders that feel they need to dictate what goes on at this regional.

Talk about egos and complete power trips...

The people holding this gathering should be ashamed of themselves and our truly a disgrace to the Rainbow Family!

I have pretty much only been focused on the main Annual/National gatherings but now it seems I will now have to start keeping track of the assorted and various regional Rainbow gatherings that are going on and post about them on here.

Time to start calling out these regional Rainbow leaders too since they seem to want that attention!

And people wonder what is destroying Rainbow?

It is staring everyone right in the eyes...

It always seems that these small gatherings are ran by people with the most cult like qualities!

And their private closed councils are only the new beginnings of a new type of Rainbow gatherings set up to be controlled by a select few instead of us... the masses.

Welcome the fuck to THEIR home!

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