Thursday, July 11, 2024

Another fine example of a Rainbow scumbag out in Rainbow Land

Another example of a fine outstanding example of a Rainbow scumbag out in Rainbow Land.


This person was caught in a tent with a minor female who was intoxicated on psychedelics and half dressed at a previous regional gathering trying to act like he was "helping her out" when we can all only speculate what his true intentions were with her. Who knows just how disgusting they might have been! 

EVEN WAS PULLING UP HIS PANTS FAST when he was walked in on and caught...

"Helping her out" I guess!

He wasn't even "walked" out and only warned... 

I can not understand why many Rainbow would welcome him back with open arms other than the reason he is a well known meth addict that brings methamphetamines to the gatherings to share with others.

I guess the people that share their hard core drugs are more sought after than the ones that sell them?

People also say that he is often seen in his van using meth with different minors or young adults. Who knows what goes on behind the doors of his van when they close!

Pretty creepy old man indeed!

And in a van.

Wonder if it is the typical stereotype of a van along with the the creepy pedophile offering young girls his crystal meth "candy"?

Guess it is easy to find people to prey on because he travels around and leaves when people start noticing what he is truly up to!

Even his photos shows how skinny and sunken in he is from hitting his meth pipe constantly.

It is a sad day in Rainbow Land when Rainbow care more about having his meth than the danger the person is to others, especially young females, in and out of the gatherings!

So if you see this individual and have young daughters you need to watch them closely!

Why is it that Rainbow seems to be filling up with large amounts of creeps, perverts, drug addicts, and pedophiles lately?

Oh yeah, that is right, they like to support each other and welcome each other with open arms!

Why are sexual assaults a common occurrence at Rainbow gatherings? 

Believe me... Many go unreported to the proper authorities and just keep getting swept under the rug only for them to do it again to another person some day down the roads and places they constantly travel to.

Word definitely needs to get out on this perverted scumbag!

If anyone wants to send me another email outing more of these Rainbow family scumbags, along with the other people that can confirm it, send them my way! 

Might not be able to clean the house but we can at least know who to shun in it...


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