Monday, July 22, 2024

Text of letter to Maidu Summit Consortium vice-chair

So... the Rainbow leaders are now calling themselves the Circle of Volunteers Rainbow Gathering?

Boy... sure are starting to sound more cultish every day...

They call themselves "volunteers" but are definitely in it for something...

Anything to deflect from their leadership roles and positions I guess.

Sure sounds like Karin Zirk's word plays are involved once again. 

How a select small group of individuals, that refuse other's input non stop, feel they have a right to speak for Rainbow as a whole will never cease to amaze me.

I kind of feel that them submitting this letter on behalf of Rainbow is almost an insult to the people on the receiving end.

In all reality... I see nothing more than the standard habitual act of Rainbow, once again, doing something they know is wrong ahead of time but not caring about knowing it and expecting forgiveness afterwards.

The basic... "We are going to do what the fuck we want!" attitude with a "Sorry you didn't like it!" apology!

I also find it ironic that they are apologizing for things they chose to do... which many of us, myself included, thought was disrespectful and chose not to participate in or be a part of it.

Do you really think they are truly sorry for their individual actions and disrespect?

If they were... you would think they would have NOT FUCKING DID IT IN THE FIRST PLACE while knowing that it would be wrong ahead of time... and deciding to do it anyways. 

Guess they can pass the blame onto Rainbow as a whole instead of themselves as individuals.

Nothing more than a hollow and shallow excuse of an apology letter to make themselves feel better I guess...

Maybe these fucking leaders OWE RAINBOW FAMILY, as a whole, an apology letter to the larger percentage of folks that chose not to be a part of thier disrespectful party?

Maybe the rest of us owe the Maidu an apology for this SMALL amount of Rainbow's behaviors and disrespectful actions that make the rest of us look bad instead of their two bit superficial apology that means nothing at all to and from the people that are giving it?

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