Monday, July 22, 2024

Rainbow rape culture

Wow... rape culture for taking a fucking video or photograph of a person without consent?

Now I have truly heard it all!

Sure seems like the only normalizing or trivializing of sexual assault and abuse are the people calling the taking of pictures or videos of others "rape culture".

I wonder if the MANY victims and surviors of sexual assault at the Rainbow gatherings think that the choice and usage of the words is suiting of someone LEGALLY using photography versus the illegal and violent sexual assaults that happened to others.

I personally find it insulting to see that someone would even try to attempt to call photography rape culture as if someone being sexually assaulted is anything near it or in fact... even anywhere comparable!

I guess some in Rainbow Land are so used to having and seeing sexual assaults repeatedly occur at the gatherings that they seem to think that those things are minor and no big deal now due to it being such a common occurrence now a days... along with photography.

For someone to call taking pictures or videos at Rainbow Gatherings rape culture is just their way of saying that rape is not a big deal to them and should only be looked at no differently that photography.

You can't make this shit up!

"Sorry you were violently physically and sexually assaulted and abused at a Rainbow Gathering sister BUT I HAD A PHOTO TAKEN OF ME WITHOUT MY CONSENT which is just as bad as what happened to you and definitely more of a serious issue!!!"

Yeah... these are the fucking IDIOTS that are common at Rainbow gatherings now a days...

Definitely don't approach or seek help from Aubry Avalon or Molly Hodosko at any Rainbow gathering if you were just sexually assaulted as they will probally be too busy being focused on being legally "raped" by a camera to even care about anything truly violent, disgusting, and illegal that could happen to you at a gathering.

People like them are a dime a dozen at our modern Rainbow gatherings unfortunately.

I can truly understand that some feel the need to want to enforce an out dated and far from from realistic "consensus" that was made in the way distant past that would definitely NOT pass any modern day consensus...

But to speak about having your photo taken or being in a video without consent as if it is anywhere equal as being violently violated and sexually assaulted by another person is truly absurd.

But, I guess Rainbow seem more concerned about the things people do that are perfectly legal to do that they can do, and condem others with their own make believe laws...


Rainbow has become a true joke lately and it is surely getting harder and harder to even want to have any respect for most of them anymore!

RAINBOW: the largest group of members that feel the need to disrespect anyone and everyone at all times... but, all the while, demanding respect from others!


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