Sunday, May 12, 2024

Modoc County "locals" sure seem full of shiat this year!

 It is that time of year where locals (and some not so locals) seem to show just how much they are capable of spreading lies, rumors, and propaganda against the Rainbow gathering and it's Gatherers.

With the gatherings possibly coming back to Modoc County they are now coming out of the woodwork.

One of the most prominent people this year seems to be some lady named Bobbie Roberta Blah Blah on Facebook.

Though this lady seems to have grown up and been raised in Southern California and currently lives in Southern California... she sure has been active on Facebook in the Modoc area.

According to this Negative Nancy Amerikaren... she was there when the Rainbow family threw a baby into the fire in 1984.

She claims of first hand witnessing the trashing and destroying of the forest by the Rainbow gathering and how they left a dozen stolen and abandoned vehicles at the site.

Funny how Forest Service LEO state that they were even surprised by how well the gathering was cleaned up with no trash left and that such a great job was done you could barely notice they were there at all.

As for the dozen stolen and abandoned vehicles that were left?

Three broke down vehicles were there at the and the Rainbow family paid to have them removed and FS even says this.

Bobbie Roberta Blah Blah goes on to say that she put up no trespassing signs on her property but they were ignored and she had to run off multiple people from coming on her property to use her garden hose to bathe with.

She then goes on to say that she witnessed Rainbow family males showering nude in front of children at the local pool.

Then she goes on to say that she witnessed people go into local diners to order food and then leave without paying on many occasions.

There is where she says she witnessed people washing their dreadlocks in the vegetable misters at the grocery store that she talked to and told to stop... in which they told her they do that in order to get the grocery store to throw out food that they could bring to the gathering.

And that is after she witnessed two guys pissing on the vegetables later on saying the same thing.

After that she states that the local gas station lost thousands and thousands of dollars from people filling up their gas tanks and driving off without paying.

And we can't forget her saying that the local grocery store lost over $20,000 from people shoplifting from the local grocery store!

It as if this lady has spent too much time online reading EVERY rumor and lie ever said about the Rainbow gatherings and now feels the need to lie and make up that she experienced this and seen it in person!


AND... she is one of many people claiming such things this year.

This year seems to be full of lies and propaganda being spit out by attention whores that feel they must lie and spew such bogus propaganda.

ANYONE can see she just wants the attention she feels she needs!

Well, miss Bobbie Roberta Blah Blah... hope you got the attention you seek!

You have made your self look like a complete fucking fool to where even the locals see through your lies!

Get a fucking life lady!

Why do you even feel the need to get involved all the way from Needles... nowhere even near Modoc!

She is a perfect example of the negative Nancy Amerikarens our country is full of now a days!

How one lady, not even from or in Modoc county, could have seen and witnessed all the things she says she has witnessed is beyond me...

Except... for being an armchair critic spreading all the lies and rumors that have been said over the years! Obviously reading this shit from somewheres online!

They say there is a wing nut holding up the sky on every corner?

This biatch seems to be the biggest wingnut of all!

Maybe the fine people of Modoc County need to deal with the meth and fentanyl issues and the MASS CRIMES IN THEIR COUNTY that they have... than bitching about the drug plague and crime they say that comes with the gatherings!

They seem to have no problem with the 55 registered sex offenders in their areas not to mention how many undocumented sex offenders there must be... but say that Rainbow brings them.
They say there is no crime in Modoc and that everyone knows each other...


"The crime rate in Modoc, CA County is significantly higher than the national average. The violent crime rate in Modoc is 42, which is nearly double the US average of 22.7. Similarly, the property crime rate in Modoc is 49.3 - again more than double the US average of 35.4. This makes Modoc a particularly dangerous county to live in, and it's important for people living there to take extra precautions to stay safe."


Sure seems the fine people of Modoc County have their own problems to deal with as is!

A PERECT example of people in full denial about what goes on in their own back yard as if THEIR OWN SHIAT DON'T STINK!


SURE... the Rainbow Gatherings do have problems but so does every other town or city In America where people gather!

Hey Tex!

How about cleaning up your own fucking county that obviously has more problems than any Rainbow gathering brings?

Sure seems like Rainbow family knows how to "police" their own better than you do your own citizens! 

But... go ahead and use the Rainbow Gatherers to distract others from your own shortcomings and failures of being the Sheriff in a county that seems to be a complete shitshow versus other counties in California!

Oh, and, fuck people like the lying scum Bobbie Roberta Blah Blah! Her life must be pretty pathetic and I feel sorry if she raises her children like her!

Welcome the fuck home!

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