Friday, May 10, 2024

Handicamp hypocrites


With another annual coming up will Handicamp be their usual fake "hanicap" and "disabled" camp with the same hypocrites running it?

Handicamp is not a place for disabled people to park at when they go to a Rainbow Gathering as you might think. 

Though they claim to be just that they are anything but that!

They are just an established Rainbow camp that is run by people that could care less about Rainbow Gatherers with true disabilities who need a place to park.

Consider it a highly sought after parking spot that is a private camp who will only allow their friends and who they see fit to park there... a good majority with NO disabilities what so ever.

They constantly use the term disability and hanicap to their advantage and hide behind the rights that disabled individuals SHOULD have all the while treading on others civil rights and true disabilities!

Yet, when someone shows up to the Rainbow Gathering that needs hanicap parking, they will not allow them to park there UNLESS your are part of their PRIVATE camp and clearly state to you that HANDICAMP IS A PRIVATE CAMP!

Can't be more hypocritical than that!

Even if your vehicle has OFFICIAL handicap plates they WILL REFUSE letting you park there!

One look around at their "hanicap" parking lot and you might see a few vehicles that have OFFICIAL handicap plates but the majority are vehicles without such OFFICIAL documents and are owned by people with no disabilities what so ever.

Their excuse for this is always they same... saying that those people are there for their "support". Funny how there always seems to be dozens people there to park and "support" a few... and many legitimately disabled people get turned away

Barry Plunkr Adams words say just that...

90% of the people in Handicamp are not disabled and could care less about the truly disabled folks that need a place to park... which is what it is supposed to be there for in the first place.

Consider it nothing more than a VIP parking lot, with the closest path into the gathering, that masquerades as a "disabled" accessible spot for people with real disabilities that can't be used by those people with real disabilities! 

Rumor has it that if you need to find any pills at the gatherings the people at Handicamp will gladly sell you some of theirs... untill they run out! 

Every year the people of Handicamp spread the lies that they are there to help handicapped people all the while turning away the same people they claim to help!

They have no problem violating other people's rights just as long AS YOU DON'T VIOLATE THEIR RIGHTS!



Will this year be any different? 

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