Sunday, March 12, 2023

And the control of me being a part of Rainbow again starts...

What a joke! Rainbow has no leaders? 

Sure have EVERYONE fooled now a days! 

People are watching though and they ain't dumb! 

They can walk all over, censor, harass, intimidate, stalk, and threaten others all hiding behind the name of Rainbow leader/dictator/focalizer/fucking admin... it still doesn't mean shit to me!

A PERFECT EXAMPLE of RAINBOW LEADERS/FOCALIZERS/DICTATORS/ADMIN not respecting the opinions or thoughts of others all the while DEMANDING AND FORCING others to have to respect their opinions or actions NO MATTER WHAT THEY MIGHT BE! 

If you disagree? 


It is INSANE how THEY are allowed to be rude, sarcastic, disrespectful, and degrading to us but if you even question that... you get BANNED FROM INTERACTING OR THROWN OUT! 

Someone WILL eventually knock their HiHoly asses of their highchair one by one... one day... guarantee you that!


So I guess Vice did something about the gathering last year! It can be found here...

I got a kick out of the sister who was screaming at the top of her lungs at the crew for filming. 

Not too funny but quite comical, amusing, and entertaining! 

That sister needs to put down the meth microphone and STFU!!! 

Yet another fine example of a person of Rainbow that makes other people not like Rainbow! She can break any damn law she wants and do the fuck whatever she wants including trampling on other's Civil Rights... but forbid others to do what they legally are allowed to do in our country! 

Shows just how hypocritical Rainbow is and has become! 

That cunt did not get her way and tried to start mob mentality tactics to get it! 

She is nothing but a domestic Rainbow terrorist in my eyes!

The jokes on her though! 

MILLIONS of people AROUND THE WORLD get to see her at her finest online now! 

She is THE joke in the many eyes of the world that watched it!

Creates more damage to the Rainbow image and how people see it! 

Makes all of us look bad to others... but of course it is excepted because she is part of the hiholy cult leaders/dictaors/focalizers/con men that have to answer to no one but expects everyone to answer to them! 

Just goes to show that Rainbow cult  leaders/focalizer/dictators/con men can tell others what to do and control them but don't have to play by the rules as the others that are expected to!

 Another fine example of the hypocrisy of Rainbow. 

"Do unto others as you DON'T want them to do to you!" 

Rainbow sure like to tell people they can't do something legal because they don't like it... while doing whatever the fuck they want regardless of other's Civil Rights! 

But I guess Rainbow can always gather up a mob of people to intimate them or threaten them with violence to force them out of the forest they have every right to be in... just like them! 




Food made and served by strangers now a days? 

Strangers that have no respect others?

My only thoughts back when... were hoping someone does not dose something they gave me and I have to trip balls again! 

Now... I know I will NEVER eat food at a gathering again! 

I honestly don't want to be given food that someone's stash of fentanyl accidentally falls into the pot while leaning over it... Talk about a mass casualty event! 

Sad I even have to think it is a possibility now...

What is it with the acceptance of meth and feyntanyl at the U.S. Rainbow gatherings this year?



I know drugs have always been around... But to know that they busted people bringing in enough feyntanyl to kill every person at the gathering or in the State of Colorado? 


To see people hitting a meth pipe in the open as if it was normal? 

Sad that this is okay and accepted at the gatherings now a days! 

The thing that stood out the most this year about drugs was an overlooked post on Facebook. 

Someone was cleaning up trash left by Rainbows and found 5 crumbled up LEO citations on the side of the road. 

I got curious and looked up the person's name on Facebbok. 

Turns out it was a well known traveling Rainbow chick. 

One of the citations was for feyntanyl of course. 

This person is welcomed to gatherings with open arms... just because she is well known. 

Saw them posting about vehicle problems afterwards and people running at top speed to help them! 

These are the people that we know as Rainbow now a days I guess!

I guess it is what it is! 

After all... it IS the Rainbow way!

My last gathering experience...

So... I attended my first Annual gathering since Prineville '97. 

It was the Colorado gathering last summer. 

I am still trying to process the bad taste left in my mouth. 

Found out where the Spring Councel was. Showed up first thing early in the morning. Two other people there. Found a good spot and set up my tent and portable shitter/shower. 

Then I read online that some folk needed a ride to Councel from Boulder. So I left that day to grab them and came back to my camp the next day... 

I guess I should say what fucking camp? 

When I returned there was a lot of people! 

They would not let me go to my camp as I was told there was no more room for anyone. 

Told them my camp was already there set up only to find that there was a van in my spot and my $350 tent, $100 shower/shitter, my $150 portable toilet, and my $200 cooler FULL of food were gone.

Everyone's response? 

"That sucks! I guess someone needed it more than you!" 

So be it! 

I went and parked elsewhere... to sit and watch car load after car load of new people enter and park where "there was no room"! 

I guess you have to know someone there or be someone special now a days to be let in the cool kids area... 

When it came time to start council... the nerve damage in my feet was acting up so I figured I would let it get started. 

Very little time passed (shortest Councel I ever witnessed) and people are walking back out.

The site has been decided! 

I asked where it was and was going to head there. 

But I was told directions were only given out to a few people at first... ON LAMINATED MAPS SOMEONE MADE! 


No really... WTF? 

So much for Rainbow having no leaders eh?

So much for us consensing a site TOGETHER! 

Consensus my ass! 

The Rainbow cult leaders/dictators/focalizers/con men alread had the site picked before spring council! 


It is what it is I guess! 

Almost did not go to the gathering but gave in and went... 

Tried to park at Handi Camp! 


I was not allowed to park there! 


It does not matter that I am a 100% disabled (service connected) veteran with nerve damage in my feet. 

Handi Camp is NOT allowed for anyone that is handicapped... only for people they want there and their friends and the special treatment they feel they want and deserve. 

Decided right then and there if I ever saw any of them having a medical issue or problem I DEFINITELY would not help them. 

Pretty sad actually... because of all the medical knowledge I was given being a Corpsman in the USN and the Hippocratic Oath I took! 

Rainbow lives by the Oath of Hypocrites! 

Pretty much almost decided to leave the gathering but ended up staying another week. 

Spent the rest of my time there running back and forth to Walmart everyday... sometimes twice a day... to pick up hitchhikers and stragglers who I saw stuck online. 

Put over a grand in my tank doing it. 

My way to give back! 

Met some great people that way!

Ended up leaving the day before the fourth because I saw 4 people (people I thought others looked up to) HITTING A FUCKING METH PIPE NEXT TO A VAN! 

That was too much for me! 

Almost chose to quit Rainbow entirely... but didn't. 

Next thing I went to was the shit show holding camp in Arizona held in Rainbow's name! 

Ended up leaving after three days when I once again saw a group of people passing around another meth pipe beside a bus... 

But that is another story... 

Rainbow IS dead!

A tribute in my own way....

This is in memory of a kind young brother whom I have never met... 

His name IS Mystic! 

Anything and everything I Have read about him online was that he was an amazing kid and musician. 

Unfortunately he is no longer with us. 

Everything about what happened to him at the hands of Rainbow is truly awful and now Rainbow is trying to push it all under the rug to never be seen again. 

From my understanding... a young Rainbow girl (I won't call her sister... she doesn't deserve that) falsely accused him of a rape he did not commit. 

This young girl's mother and a Rainbow focalizer/leader/dictator named Scotia Fogelsanger, from State College Pennsylvania, decided to hide behind her keyboard and do and say things THAT WERE NOT TRUE! 

She created a Gang of Nine sisters that took it upon themselves to LIE... HARRASS... INTIMIDATE... SPREAD FALSE RUMORS... STALK... CYBER BULLY AND THREATEN this young brother and his family for years... ALMOST 5 FUCKING YEARS AND RAINBOW FAMILY DID NOTHING NOR CARED NOR CARE... FOR SOMETHING HE DID NOT DO. FOR FUCKS SAKE... THEY ARE STILL HARRASSING THE FAMILY... while pushing their own despicable acts aside!

 It turns out that NONE of the accusations against him were true and he could not take all of the SLANDER thrown at him and unfortunately took his own life! 

We lost a good young Rainbow brother over that bullshit! 

And when I mean bullshit... I mean BULLSHIT! 

The young lady even released a video on Facebook where she admits that it was not true and that it was a lie! 

After the fact of course which won't bring Mystic back... 

I could not download the video but here is a video of the video...

SO... here we have some Rainbow cunt (Scotia) basically get away with causing this child's death...


They get to strut around Rainbow land doing wtf ever they want at the cost of others... even children! 
 These ARE the new Rainbow cult leaders/dictaors/focalizers/con men that have been trying to take over the gatherings (online and in the forest) and are basically getting away with it and however it fits their sick and twisted needs! 

Is this truly the Rainbow people want to be a part of? 

Want our children to be a part of? 

Want the world to be a part of? 

Not me anymore! I guess I have am now becoming Anti-Rainbow... 


I FEEL that this cunt Scotia Fogelsanger needs to have the WHOLE FUCKING BOOK THROWN AT HER! 

There honestly needs to be a LEO investigation opened into her actions!

Since a lot of her actions were online and documented... they need to legally get all her shit and start a case against her! 

 But it is the Way of the Rainbow... "DO unto others as you DON'T want done to you!" 

 So... rainbow gets to do whatever the fuck they want... even if it is illegal. 

Then turn around and tell people what they can't do even though it's legal? 

Not the Rainbow world I want to be a part of anymore... I am sorry we let this happen to you Mystic! 

Our whole family let you down...

Your death is on Scotia Fogelsanger's back and many others!

The Mafiosa Heirachy of Rainbow...

And here I am back to posting on a blog that no one reads. (Wink wink)

I have been trying to reconnect with what is known as Rainbow Gatherings for the past two years. 

They might still exist but they definitely are not what they used to be! 

I miss the good ole days of gathering. 

We were excepted for who we are. 

Now it is only if you get excepted by the leaders that hide behind the tarnished name of "focalizers" that used to be respected... 

It has now become a "Do unto others as you don't want done to you!" aspect. 

Rainbow has become something now that is starting to show that it will never recover and be what it once was. 

Facebook seems to be the biggest joke amongst Rainbow now. 

 Gone are the days of the AGRo where people could speak and say what they wanted to... such as thoughts and opinions.. without "Rainbow LEO" hiding behind the name admin! 

At least there you had the freedom and choice on what you want to say... how you wanted to respond.. and whether or not you you chose to partake in such.

Facebook now seems to be full of Rainbow leaders who get to become dictators and weild the power and control they feel they must have on other's.  

And they DO! 


Rainbow has no leaders? 


It is filled with people who want to be in control and control others.. yet feel no one has the right to control them and their actions or words. 

They let peope they like and know run free... saying and doing whatever they want! 

If they don't like what you say or speak of... then you get banned or shunned or shut out! 

At least here I can be whom I am! 

Instead of using Facebook to share my mind an opinons... left to others to dictate and control what I can or can not think, say, or have an opinion of... I'll do it here. 

Got something to say? 

Hit me up!

Friday, July 15, 2022

Alot of catching up to do...

Oh how the gatherings have changed and not changed. Alot of catching up to do...