Saturday, February 15, 2025

Has Rainbow been taken over by MAGA?

Or has it just been the majority all along but quietly hidden?

The past few months of reading online posts in Facebook groups has sure brought out people's true colors 

And not even any fucking colors of the Rainbow...

Just a whole whack load of darkness.

And it is definitely showing on both sides of the political spectrum.

I never realized there were so many awful people within Rainbow on top of the scumbags that fill it already. 

So much hatred and division...

Fuck the on the land shit.

Who wants to go gather on any land with all of these fucking awful people knowing that this is what the gatherings are now filled with.

I never thought I would see so many people showing their true colors... especially their Make America Gleichschaltung Again colors...

So much hatred being spread towards and at each other.

How most these people can even be considered or consider themselves Rainbow is beyond comprehension.

I guess the the bright side of it all is you clearly get to see and find out things about who people really are deep down inside.

So many fake people that are pretending to be something that they are not.

And now they see no need to hide who they truly are from others.

It is truly sad to see how bad many people act towards and treat others online then when you see them in person they act completely different as if their foul online behavior means nothing.

I think the leaders and Heirarchy of the NRO pimp out their non stop shiat about how Rainbow is not online as an excuse to condone such behavior as if it should not matter when they are on the land.

I have met so many ignorant fucks online who talk a whack load of shit until they are in person...

And it is crazy how the moderators and admin of the various groups that censor EVERYTHING are letting these posts stay up and have no problem letting the anger and hatred show.

Makes you kind of wonder if they are just as awful as what is being said and getting a kick out if it themselves.  

Maybe they are just pawns and plants of the government themselves who are now fulfilling their mission of destroying Rainbow? 

The next coming years are definitely going to be the make it or break it for Rainbow and it's gatherings.

I personally see the last nails being put in a coffin of something that is already dead and should have been buried a long time ago..


And our country on top of it!!!

Welcome the fuck home while you still have it!


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Some transparent water

Apparently a brother who does water crew decided to show people how to properly be transparent and accountable for any donations that go towards setting up the water systems at the Annual/National Gathering.

It just goes to show what a responsible person in charge of your donations, given to them, is truly about and as is it should be.

Props to them!

This is nothing but a good thing for Rainbow, it's gatherings, and the people that want to donate and give money to a cause within Rainbow and for Rainbow.

This person obviously knows that there is seriously issues going on with the magic hat and it's donations.

And he is not the only one....

Gee... anyone wonder who the same people leaving with magic hat money every year?

Or when Finch's embezzlement was much more noticeable? 

If the magic hat was ran the same way, as it once was, people might be willing to start giving donations to it again.

I remember a time when the magic hat was ran in a similar way. 

That was... until the King OF Rainbow (aka Adam Buxbaum aka Finch aka Weasle) took the reins of it and decided to use it as his own personal bank account and travelling fund for his worldwide journeys, enjoying festivals, and his own personal wants and needs.

Ever since he took control of the magic hat funds he has shown no transparency nor accountability to anyone other than himself and a handful of his close supporters who he also gives money out of it and to them for their own personal needs.

Guess it truly does pay to be in Finch's close personal circle!

This, in turn, has caused so many people to lose faith in the magic hat and the donations towards it are not what they used to be because of his hijacking and embezzlement of money that is meant for the gatherings.

Finch and his supporters will often claim that ANYONE can be a part of his magic hat council but most people know this to be untrue and they will only say "we have it covered" but never show anyone any amounts of what donations came in, what the donations went towards, and what donations were left over.

Definitely a primo scam for a known liar, conman, thief, and hustler!

Remember earlier last year when Finch said there was no funds for taking the gatherings trash to the dump so clean up crew went around and secretly dropped it off in local people's dumpsters that they locals had to paid for?

Or wouldn't give a sister a little bit for gas to get her out of the gathering because someone stole her money out of her vehicle?

Or was giving money to his friend Marty who pathetically was not watching his dog that got hit by a car?

Or giving some money to his friends he was camped out with because he could so they could live fat at the gathering?.

I personally feel that the abuse and misuse of people's donations towards Rainbow and it's gatherings by Finch over the past decade has done nothing more than harm Rainbow detrimentally and it needs to be put to an end.

Other more responsible people should be in control of the magic hat and it's donations so that they end up going back to Rainbow and the gatherings where they were intended to go to in the first place and needs to go back to being transparent and accountable to any and all.

I have heard too many people say they would never give to the magic hat again because of the abuse by Finch and don't want to fund his trips to the world gatherings, music festivals, or his private needs anymore. 


Isn't it about time you start showing people what you do with the Magic Hat donations you get all year long and why there is never any money supposedly even though everyone knows the donations keep going to you and your magic hat scam?

If people can be transparent and accountable to the masses about what donations they get in for the water crew...

Then why the fuck do you not do the same instead of keeping your shady Rainbow embezzlement scam so secret?

Welcome the fuck home!

Cumberland Rainbow Family "council"

It is good to know that some folks actually care enough to announce a council coming up that invites ALL to participate and welcome all.

None of that private modern invintation only bullshit where only people they want to be in the know and involved are allowed to partake and participate.

Too bad it is being held on private "family" property which is owned by individuals who can dictate who they want there or alienate who they don't...

Almost makes their announcement look like a token gesture to appease the masses though...

Events pertaining to Rainbow held on individual's private properties seems to defeat the purpose any of the Rainbow mottos of Welcome Home and that EVERYONE and ALL are welcome to be there.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

King OF Rainbow

I have always thought and been taught that Rainbow had no leaders. No Heirarchy. NO CONTROL OF OTHERS.

Maybe this was true once upon a time ago.

But slowly my understanding of this was broken.

Especially over the past decade if not the past few years alone.

I always had the understanding that no one person should have so much power, control, and manipulation over Rainbow and it's gatherings.

But this has now clearly and openly become far from the truth we see and know today.

The King OF Rainbow has decided that they now have achieved the ability to utilize Rainbow and it's gatherings as theirs, and only theirs, to use how they see fit.

And has gained such a following that he uses to prop himself up and stay as the official leader and self proclaimed King OF Rainbow. 

And unfortunately his cult like followers will utilize or do anything to keep him at the top.

I can not help but muse just how much Don‐OLD Trump and the King OF Rainbow have in common.

Just how Don‐OLD has and is using his power to control everything in a country by removing and replacing anyone and everyone around him that does not follow him so that he has full support and control of a country to do with as he sees fit... so is the King OF Rainbow with Rainbow and it's gatherings. 

It is almost as if they are using the same play book.

Both use others money to do what they want with... without using their own. 


They both do things that only benefit themselves or the small select group around them while everyone else suffers and have no say or choice yet are conned into thinking they and their voices matter.

They are both charismatic and controlling through the use of the manipulation of words under the guise of a caring and well meaning person.

Control of money of the magic hat and of the tax payers and who, when, and where the money goes to... only as they see fit and mostly enriching themselves at the cost of the majority getting nothing.

Using the money meant for ALL without accountability or transparency to anyone but themselves and a few of their select buddies.

But the King of Rainbow uses many different things to also get what they want.

Using plays right out of a Cult leader's handbook.

Using sex with multiple different people to manipulate them non-stop under the disguise of open relationships then persuading them to accept it as face value when it is truly about maintaining control over them and their minds.

Getting and taking people's money on behalf of Rainbow and for Rainbow but only using it on himself and his closed circle of friends.

Using and giving large amounts of mind alternating substances freely and even giving to people without their consent.

Pretending to be a non-violent person who persuades and gets others to commit violence on their behalf so that they can keep their hands clean and look that way. 

Supporting and protecting violent criminals, sexual predators, and chomos knowing that they owe him one and will someday gladly do his dirty work for him when beckoned because they feel indebted to him.

Speaking on behalf of and for Rainbow on all aspects and everywhere to the point that only what he say matters and no one else has a say.

Rewarding others that stand by him while causing problems for others who don't... including using lies, slander, and deciept to smear other's names hoping to cause discourse and problems for anyone they see fit that goes against him. Well... Don‐OLD does that too...

Silencing and censoring others and only allowing conversations and posts in the online community that he seemingly has admin and moderation positions in the majority of those groups pertaining to Rainbow that allow him to censor and cover up anything that questions his intentions, actions, or motives. And only having other admin and moderators who only support and do as he says or they get removed and replaced. People with the philosophy of "IF the King OF Rainbow says it... it must be!"

Dictating and deciding such things as whether a regional gathering will happen, when it will happen, where it will happen and who can or will be a part of it.

And also having people that are only loyal to him in the positions of control over the regional gatherings.

Rainbow and it's gatherings are nothing like the light they claim to be and project.

Maybe they once were?

But now there is so much darkness and negativity and a good majority of it seems to always have one thing in common lately...


Finches are known for using their melodious voices and their colorful plumage as a distraction to draw attention away from what they really want and are out to achieve personally and for themselves.

While weasels achieve something by use of cunning or deceit. 

I don't know about you but those names sure do seem to fit the King OF Rainbow quite well and literally... and is probally why he chooses to use them as his name...

This King OF Rainbow has been prancing around far too long acting like he is wearing a fucking crown and in charge of a kingdom!

He has replaced his high holy horse with a fake throne.

And now the kingdom is only full of people that worship him and follow his commands.

Pretty pathetic in more ways than one...

We can only hope that this King OF Rainbow's destruction of the gatherings will end soon and that Rainbow and it's gatherings can hopefully recover and start going back to what they used to be where everyone is welcomed and it is no longer a select private club of the few.

Then people will want to go back because there is something there versus what it has become under the control and manipulation and guise of a self proclaimed King.

Instead of new people being conned into going to a Rainbow gathering now a days thinking it is what it is not and realizing this to never return... People will want to stay and go again. 

Why should the majority of Rainbow and it's gatherings suffer so the few at the top can flourish? 

Definitely a time for a change...

And when that happens the King OF Rainbow at the top will fall the hardest!

Within all the decaying and darkness of a dying Rainbow sits one man at the top of it all and there is no denying it any longer.

Time to dethrone the King OF Rainbow and his Heirarchy of followers that have destroyed what used to be and once was!

Welcome the fuck home!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The King of Rainbow makes Arizona gathering official

The self proclaimed King of Rainbow has officially announced his blessing for the Offical Arizona Love gathering.

If Adam Buxbaum aka Finch says it is official than it must be.

All the while telling people to keep it offline yet posting a lightline online that defeats the purpose.

More of that trying to tighten the reins of who controls things or who they want to include.

Wanna be Mafiosa tactics I guess... 

Isn't he off Travelling in India trying to show people how Rainbow he is?

Hopefully he didn't steal other people's money or things again to fund it.

Funny how one of the highest hustlers and conmen within the leadership and Heirarchy of the NRO has so much influence into EVERYTHING that has to do with Rainbow and it's gatherings.

Most of the violent criminals and chomo pedophiles literally have this guy to thank for them still being able to participate within Rainbow and it's gatherings.

It is common knowledge amongst many that he repeatedly stands up for and protects such people.

Finch will always claim that he is non violent and a pacifist yet uses his cult like tactics and mind games to get the same violent criminals and chomo pedophiles he protects to do his dirty work for him whenever he asks.

I guess they feel indebted to him?

It truly amazes me at just how many people say they won't go back to a Rainbow gathering again and his name always seems to come up as being a part of the reason why.

Rainbow was never intended to have one person like Finch at the top of everything Rainbow related with the amount of control and manipulation such as he has over it and anything pertaining it.

More and more you hear people starting to call him the Offical King Of Rainbow....

A true lesson of life...

When an individual in Rainbow thinks they are the King and at the top?

It just means when they fall it will hurt the hardest.

People will start waking up, and are, and see him for what he really is.

Eventually someone will come along and knock him off his hi holy horse!

Hopefully sooner than later....

It is almost as if Rainbow truly has become a cult with Finch being the leader...

Welcome the fuck to HIS home!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Arizona Love gathering?

Well... someone has posted something about this year's "Love" gathering...

It is really the Love gathering anymore if it is not held over Valentines day?

And what is this shiat about considering the gathering being held on BLM land?

Definitely don't know who this "we" are but it sure doesn't sound like a we thing. 

It is quite interesting that this post was made first in a main Rainbow Facebook group but not in any of the routine Arizona Facebook group's.

Not to mention it was posted anonymously... by people that want to hide who they are and their actions from the rest of us.

This anonymous shiat has honestly gone too far if you ask me...

People that insist on being anonymous are usually the ones that have anything and everything to hide... and usually with good reason.

People seem to want to be anonymous so that no one can question them about anything they are doing.

Gone are the days of there being known focalizers who were transparent, open, and accountable to ALL. 

Now it is just fuckalizers that want to remain anonymous so that they don't have to be open or transparent and accountable for anything or to anyone... the good or the bad.

Definitely speaks volumes about their motives, agendas, and intentions huh?

So proud to be Rainbow and throwing a gathering yet not proud enough to let other's know who they are and to be questioned by others...

And no accountability to anyone for anything that might go wrong.

What is this "we have OPENLY circled" bullshit?

There was no openness about it!

Nothing more than yet another private and secretive invitation only get together that does not include anyone that wanted to be a part of it and has done nothing more than only include whoever they want there and exclude who they don't want there to be a part of the decision making process. 

How this is even considered Rainbow is beyond me...

This non inclusive and fully exclusive circle that happened is just another perfect example of how Rainbow is run now a days and just goes to show just how exclusive and controlled Rainbow and it's gatherings have become.

A small select group of Rainbow NRO leaders within their Heirarchy have decided to hold secret circles that decide things for the rest of us.

No invitations to be a part of the decision making process.

No acknowledgement of any "circle" happening ahead of time.

No transparency what so ever to anyone else within the Rainbow Family except what is decided and known by this select small group of leaders that had secretive attendance, intentions, agendas, motives, and goals. 

Yet another perfect example of what Rainbow has become with the overall masses being controlled by a select few within the NRO.

No input what so ever EXCEPT by the people they want there to be able to be a part of the gathering process.

And... no answering for anything to anyone but their own selective group.

A full on and in our faces power grab with full control over us all...

No ability to even question anything or even be a part of it all.

Rainbow and it's gatherings have become nothing more than a private function that is exclusive to most but inclusive to only the people that the leaders and Heirarchy feel are deserving or will follow them and their agendas as they see fit without question.

The leaders in charge feel the need to have control over everyone else and dictate what happens for others without any interference from others that might not agree with them or want what they want.

Having power and control over Rainbow and it's gatherings by a few has seemingly become the norm for modern day gatherings. 

Those with the power and control use that power and control to stoke their personal egos, motives, and agendas to give them the attention they obviously want and need.

The lack of transparency and secretive circles are what have been truly destroying Rainbow and it's gatherings from within.

Gone are the days where anyone and everyone could be a part of the decision making process that created a gathering for ALL.

This all used to be much more unnoticeable until over the past years to where it has now reached the point of the NRO no longer caring or feeling the need to hide it from others.

It is now done bluntly in our faces and in plain site knowing that no one can do anything about it and that nothing can be done about it.

I constantly see people wondering why Rainbow has changed so much over the years...

This is a perfect example of one of those reasons of why it is now routinely happening.

Rainbow and it's gatherings are no longer a place to be free where anyone and everyone are welcome and encouraged to be a part of it.

The control and manipulation of our gatherings by a select few have hit an all time high! 

What has Rainbow truly become?

A fancy boys club with full control over it that would even make Don‐OLD Trump proud!

Maybe it is time to rename the Arizona gathering The Not So Love Gathering?


It will probally be just another alcohol and meth fueled "gathering" just like the last couple of them held in Arizona over the past few years. 

How much more harm can the select few leaders of the NRO Heirarchy create for Rainbow and it's gatherings. 

Not that they care.

Instead of Rainbiw growing and flourishing under their control they have done and are doing nothing more than continuously running it into the ground.


Welcome the fuck home!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Welcome Home 2.0 (

There is a new website, Welcome Home 2.0, that has popped up on the internet.

It is definitely a good thing considering that the original Welcome Home site has pretty much become and outdated defunct relic of the past that has stopped being cared for and updated for quite awhile now.

Whoever is doing the new Welcome Home 2.0 has definitely been putting in the time and effort to create it and get it up and running.

Definitely going to be good to finally have a new updated and modern website that takes over from the original and gathers up alot of the things pertaining to Rainbow all in one place for an easy access and reference for everyone to utilize.

Props to whoever is doing it.

Hopefully it will grow and flourish!

And it is not ran by any of the self proclaimed Rainbow leaders of the NRO or their Heirarchy... which is a definite plus.

So much talk lately about how there needs to be a big change within Rainbow and finally doing something about the select few that have seemed to have taken control of modern Rainbow with their own personal agendas and motives and have basically been destroying what Rainbow Family and it's gatherings once we're and now are.


And needed...


(And no, as some have questioned in emails, it is not my site and it having 2.0 in it's name is just another glitch in the simulation we all know and love...)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Whatever happened to that Beaver Stew "kitchen" and their bus?

Whatever whatever happened to the Beaver Stew "kitchen"?

Last I remember they were taking advantage of the known kindness, generosity, and gullability of the many members of the Rainbow Family asking for donations for their "kitchen" talking about how they were trying to get a bus so they can make their presence known at gatherings and disaster relief to feed people.

I do believe they ended up getting mass amounts of donations for their scam sham.

And getting their bus.

Then after getting their bus through donations they did a few song and dance pony shows after the hurricane projecting the image that they were doing disaster relief and starting a new gofundme asking for more donations. 

Give us more More MORE basically while trying to leach off of various other non profits.

Even went as far as saying they were working for one particular non profit and asking for even more donations... but to give them the "donations" directly and to bypass the nonprofit they supposedly worked with. 

Typical Rainbow scam sham looking for yet another free ride I guess...

They sure haven't been to any gatherings feeding people like they claimed they wanted to do.

Like I said before... so many new people seem to think they can boost their egos and power status within Rainbow by saying they want to start a Rainbow "kitchen" but need people to buy them a bus so they can "feed the masses"... but then always end up not doing that once they get what they are after and their new bus.

I guess other people started seeing through Beaver Stew's charades and motives of their scam sham?

Last I read Greenpea Taco was off on his own saying he wanted to go a different direction and move on with their life to do something "better"... and making posts on Facebook begging other Rainbow for more money yet again... of course.

I guess conning and scamming for money in the name of running a "kitchen" was a lot easier than actually running the kitchen.

Especially when others start to see through the scam finally and quit giving more of that free money and handouts.

Can only go so far with that before people wake up and smell the bs I guess...

I always find it entertaining and amusing when so many of these Rainbow vagrants boast about the life they live and how good the are at traveling and hustling but then go on Facebook bitching and whining about how cold they are and are stranded then begging for more money for a bus ride somewheres.

When are people gonna learn not to support these fly by night "kitchens", that are a dime a dozen, always begging and asking for money and donations for buses but never end up doing what they claim and say they will do.

Beaver Stew "kitchen" has proven my point all by themselves and their actions.

Well, at least, someone has a new personal bus to enjoy... paid for by the gullability of others once again!

The only thing that "kitchen" has seemed to cook up is a pot full of bullshit!

Maybe they need to mentor under Useless and learn how to run a profitable "nonprofit" like him and his old lady have done with their scam of the Suicide Awareness Bus and Spirit House.

There seems to be a lot of money to be made off of other people's misery and saddness!

But the... that seems to be the Rainbow thing to do!

Welcome the fuck home?