I have always thought and been taught that Rainbow had no leaders. No Heirarchy. NO CONTROL OF OTHERS.
Maybe this was true once upon a time ago.
But slowly my understanding of this was broken.
Especially over the past decade if not the past few years alone.
I always had the understanding that no one person should have so much power, control, and manipulation over Rainbow and it's gatherings.
But this has now clearly and openly become far from the truth we see and know today.
The King OF Rainbow has decided that they now have achieved the ability to utilize Rainbow and it's gatherings as theirs, and only theirs, to use how they see fit.
And has gained such a following that he uses to prop himself up and stay as the official leader and self proclaimed King OF Rainbow.
And unfortunately his cult like followers will utilize or do anything to keep him at the top.
I can not help but muse just how much Don‐OLD Trump and the King OF Rainbow have in common.
Just how Don‐OLD has and is using his power to control everything in a country by removing and replacing anyone and everyone around him that does not follow him so that he has full support and control of a country to do with as he sees fit... so is the King OF Rainbow with Rainbow and it's gatherings.
It is almost as if they are using the same play book.
Both use others money to do what they want with... without using their own.
They both do things that only benefit themselves or the small select group around them while everyone else suffers and have no say or choice yet are conned into thinking they and their voices matter.
They are both charismatic and controlling through the use of the manipulation of words under the guise of a caring and well meaning person.
Control of money of the magic hat and of the tax payers and who, when, and where the money goes to... only as they see fit and mostly enriching themselves at the cost of the majority getting nothing.
Using the money meant for ALL without accountability or transparency to anyone but themselves and a few of their select buddies.
But the King of Rainbow uses many different things to also get what they want.
Using plays right out of a Cult leader's handbook.
Using sex with multiple different people to manipulate them non-stop under the disguise of open relationships then persuading them to accept it as face value when it is truly about maintaining control over them and their minds.
Getting and taking people's money on behalf of Rainbow and for Rainbow but only using it on himself and his closed circle of friends.
Using and giving large amounts of mind alternating substances freely and even giving to people without their consent.
Pretending to be a non-violent person who persuades and gets others to commit violence on their behalf so that they can keep their hands clean and look that way.
Supporting and protecting violent criminals, sexual predators, and chomos knowing that they owe him one and will someday gladly do his dirty work for him when beckoned because they feel indebted to him.
Speaking on behalf of and for Rainbow on all aspects and everywhere to the point that only what he say matters and no one else has a say.
Rewarding others that stand by him while causing problems for others who don't... including using lies, slander, and deciept to smear other's names hoping to cause discourse and problems for anyone they see fit that goes against him. Well... Don‐OLD does that too...
Silencing and censoring others and only allowing conversations and posts in the online community that he seemingly has admin and moderation positions in the majority of those groups pertaining to Rainbow that allow him to censor and cover up anything that questions his intentions, actions, or motives. And only having other admin and moderators who only support and do as he says or they get removed and replaced. People with the philosophy of "IF the King OF Rainbow says it... it must be!"
Dictating and deciding such things as whether a regional gathering will happen, when it will happen, where it will happen and who can or will be a part of it.
And also having people that are only loyal to him in the positions of control over the regional gatherings.
Rainbow and it's gatherings are nothing like the light they claim to be and project.
Maybe they once were?
But now there is so much darkness and negativity and a good majority of it seems to always have one thing in common lately...
Finches are known for using their melodious voices and their colorful plumage as a distraction to draw attention away from what they really want and are out to achieve personally and for themselves.
While weasels achieve something by use of cunning or deceit.
I don't know about you but those names sure do seem to fit the King OF Rainbow quite well and literally... and is probally why he chooses to use them as his name...
This King OF Rainbow has been prancing around far too long acting like he is wearing a fucking crown and in charge of a kingdom!
He has replaced his high holy horse with a fake throne.
And now the kingdom is only full of people that worship him and follow his commands.
Pretty pathetic in more ways than one...
We can only hope that this King OF Rainbow's destruction of the gatherings will end soon and that Rainbow and it's gatherings can hopefully recover and start going back to what they used to be where everyone is welcomed and it is no longer a select private club of the few.
Then people will want to go back because there is something there versus what it has become under the control and manipulation and guise of a self proclaimed King.
Instead of new people being conned into going to a Rainbow gathering now a days thinking it is what it is not and realizing this to never return... People will want to stay and go again.
Why should the majority of Rainbow and it's gatherings suffer so the few at the top can flourish?
Definitely a time for a change...
And when that happens the King OF Rainbow at the top will fall the hardest!
Within all the decaying and darkness of a dying Rainbow sits one man at the top of it all and there is no denying it any longer.
Time to dethrone the King OF Rainbow and his Heirarchy of followers that have destroyed what used to be and once was!
Welcome the fuck home!