Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The sham scam of Rainbow's modern councils

One of the things that has been ingrained into people's minds when they think of Rainbow is their beliefs and use of councels and consensus.

Everyone constantly hears that Rainbow utilizes their councels and consensus to reach their goals.

It was known that a consensus would be reached through the use of councels by people on the land at the councels.

I rember when I was first going to councels at Rainbow they fascinated me along with the use of a consensus to confirm the decisions of the councels by the people.

Rainbow family would use the councels as a way to get input from all involved where everyone would have a say and advice given and received.

Often they will pass around a feather and the person that had the feather had the podium to speak.

After everyone's words were listened to and perhaps debated upon decisions would be made and there would be a call for a consensus.

This consensus would be reached by all involved that were there with everyone in complete agreement with the decisions made.

There were times where these councels would be dragged out  because one individual did not agree and a true consensus could not be met.

Accommodations were made until EVERYONE reached a decision and agreement where all were satisfied and happy.

A true consensus would be reached and respected by all!

Starting in the late 1990's and early 2000's the familiar councels that all Rainbows were used to were turned into councils by a few select people.

They were no longer a councel ran by a group of people on the land and turned into councils that were ran by just that... a council of a select few people that were now in control and able to dictate and decide amongst themselves any decisions that involved Rainbow family and their gatherings.

Where consensus used to be the norm they are now null and void and mean absolutely fuck all if anything.

The people in charge of these modern councils still claim to hold the old councels.

It is all a pony show along with a song and dance that hides behind the facade and charade of the old councels.

Decisions are already pre made and any outcomes are pre determined by the select few people of the council.

The same thing can be said about the consensus that they claim to make and reach.

Part of me wants to say that these modern councils have a democratic vote system in place instead of a consensus of agreement reached by all involved.

But as I mentioned above the select few people of the council have already predetermined everything.

The only reason I can think of that they still hold councels now a days is to make it look as if everyone still has a say in Rainbow and what happens within Rainbow and it's gathering.

I truly think the council members are using it as a loophole for the eyes of the world to see and an excuse to hide the fact that Rainbow does indeed have leaders now and who they are.

They have set up a system in place to camouflage and hide the leaders from any accountability for the decisions that THEY make that may involve illegal activities that they know they could be held accountable and responsible for anything bad that happens at the gatherings or any liabilities that might need to be dealt with because of the gatherings.

This is what they hide behind and like to keep people thinking that Rainbow has no leaders.

They are cowards who hide... that make decisions for others and control and dictate everything involved with Rainbow. They ARE the ones responsible for a lot of illegal and bad things that have happened but don't want to be held accountable for THEIR decisions and actions.

They want everyone to take any blame but themselves and their decisions.

One might look at it as how some people set up shell companies and corporations to hide who they are and what their true intentions truly are.

At a modern day Rainbow council there could be 100 people there but 10 people out of that hundred will reach their predetermined decisions under the disguise of being a consensus and that is what is followed.

Anyone that disagrees is ignored, humiliated, insulted,  and ridiculed.

It isn't even democratic at this point.

They seem to no longer care that others see and know what's going on!

Now the leaders of Rainbow do the same thing online and hold predetermined online councils behind chats, zoom meetings, and Facebook groups.

They don't even have to meet on the land anymore!

Decisions concerning Rainbow family and their gatherings are made by this select few and then spread and forced upon others that it is what it is and that's that.

They even fake councels online just as they do on the land to make everyone think they are still real councels yet their council has has alread decided everything and what happens...

Some people are still blind to this and don't want to believe this is truly happening and I honestly don't blame them one bit.

Got two good eyes and still can't see...


I get it...

But, others are not so blind anymore.

What has happened and is currently happening to Rainbow and it's gatherings because of these modern councils is a major  reason why Rainbow gatherings have shrank over the years.

It has begun to show that Rainbow has indeed changed at the hands of a few and for the worst.

Besides... who wants to ge a part of something where their input does not matter when it should but doesn't?

This year's council and their predetermined decisons were very noticeable to all involved!

They can no longer pull the wool over their sheep's eyes to fool and hide what they are doing from others.

These people were and are a complete disgrace to the Rainbow family and it's gatherings.

They made it clear this year that there are no longer councels and consensuses to be made and clearly showed that people's input, thoughts, and feelings did not mean shit to them and were fuck all!

They insulted pretty much every Native American in the areas. They refused to listen to these people from the areas that have legitimate reasons and concerns about where the gathering would be held. The council members showed that they do not care about another's ways and the things sacred to them such as their ancestors graves and their ancestorial lands that were stolen from them by our own Gubernment.

I can not remember a time where Native Americans have shown such animosity, distrust, ill will, and agression towards the Rainbow Family and their Gatherings.

There have always been an assortment of issues but nothing like this!

These Rainbow leaders and their council have now made  decisions that have truly effected all other Rainbow in a negative way.

Alot of people get it now!

No denying any of this anymore!

Many Rainbow disagree with the decisions that Rainbow leaders and their council's decisions that were made and forced upon others and understood the Native Americans and respected the Native American's wishes and boycotted this year's gathering with some even choosing to go to an alternative gathering in Michigan where there have been no problems.

It doesn't matter though because WE are all judged now because of a few.

Then there is the very serious threat of endangerment of all of the Rainbow Family that have have blindly followed these Rainbow leaders and their sham council's decisions into an area of the National Forest that is highly prone and susceptible to more wild fires that have been happening in the areas over the past decades or so.

Many locals are terrified that another fire will destroy everything again in an area where many people are still rebuilding from the destruction of previous fires.

No one can blame them.

So... this council and it's leaders have decided to hold this year's gathering in one of the driest areas of California that currently have fire bans in place.

The gathering is being held during one of the hottest heat waves to hit California in awhile.

There is no infrastructure in place.

There is no fucking water.

There is only one way in and out that would  hinder any evacuations in an emergency such as a fire which would put everyone there in harms way and endangers many.

The locals are disgruntled because of the fire risk and disrespect.

The local Native Americans are disgruntled because the Rainbow leaders and their council would not listen to their concerns and things they asked along with more disrespect.

And now many of the Rainbow Family are disgruntled by EVERYTHING that has occurred and is occurring because of a select few who feel the need to dictate and control Rainbow, it's people, and it's gatherings.

People are starting to wake up and see that there are indeed Rainbow leaders in control.

They are starting to see that these leaders and their egos only care about what they want and all have a personal agenda and do not have a care or concern in the world about how they are effectively fucking everyone else over.

It is time to start ousting these people and find out what their agendas truly are.

Alot of egos at play and the need to have power and control over others and no different than any government on our planet.

Since the majority of Rainbow believe that Rainbow does not and should not have leaders... then wtf are they following and supporting these select few people, their councils, the decisions they make, and not doing anything about it or trying to change this awful modern day bullshit and fuckery?

I guess that is question many are wondering but not asking...

It sure sucks to watch something so beautiful that many people love and have faith in be destroyed by a few people for reasons that no one can even understand or comprehend.

Fuck these Rainbow leaders and their modern day councils with personal agendas!

But don't say anything on the land or you might find yourself being assaulted, kidnapped, and forcefully brought to one of the Rainbow Leader's councils where they hold their kangaroo courts and punish you as they see fit while violating your civil rights in the process.


People will blindly follow their leaders hoping to earn a place in the Rainbow Heirarchy and do whatever asked of them or told to do by the leaders while the leaders sit on their hiholy high horses and can not be held responsible... or they think they can't!

Kind of makes you wonder just how many people suffer consequences for doing things asked of them by the leaders who won't do it themselves or face consequences.

Enjoy your fucking sham scam fake and fraudulent modern Rainbow councils!

Maybe I should start using IMHO or disclaimer: with what I write?

These Rainbow leaders seem to like using those words thinking it keeps them from having any issues because of their words and actions....

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