Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Anonymous participant

I am sure that many people have noticed the influx of Rainbow Family now using Facebook's Anonymous participant when they post and are wondering why.

One major reason is because Elizabeth Washoe and her supporters, along with some locals, have decided to harrass alot of the Rainbow Family on Facebook. 

They have flooded the online Rainbow Land Facebook groups with the intentions to spread lies, propaganda, racism, and their own personal agendas hoping to interfere and cause discourse amongst Rainbow Family and the Gathering and get what they want no matter the cost. 

Elizabeth Washoe and her supporters have decided to show just how disgusting they truly are by using other people's friends list on Facebook that they disagree with, to go out of their way and contact Family members and friends to continue their visious attacks on the people they disagree with!

Having problems or disagreements with someone should be just that! 

Between them and not taken to the Rainbow's family member's family and friends that literally have nothing to do with Rainbow, the gathering, or what is currently happening!

Those people don't deserve their threats, intimidations, harassment, racism, and hatred!

No one does!

I am sure many members of the Pit River Indian Tribes are unaware that Elizabeth and her supporters are doing such awful things just as I am sure some locals are not aware that this is happening!

Both Elizabeth Washoe and Jason Ingram have shown and proven that they will do whatever they need to do to others, no matter how awful it is, to achieve their own personal agendas and goals being met AND HOPEFULLY SILENCE OTHERS in the process!

I can only hope that even a few people that know them will find out what they are doing and what they have done and look at them in a whole different light from now on for this...

Not really great people now huh?

So this is the major contributing factor to people choosing to post as an anonymous participant.

But... beware, if you are not aware, when you post anything using Facebook's Anonymous participant feature... every admin and moderator know exactly who you are and they can tell anyone they choose to thus making you not truly anonymous! 

Keep that in mind if you are ever wanting to post something anonymous asking wtf about what is going on behind the scenes with all this new Rainbow leader bullshit... they know who you are and if they don't censor or ban you they will definitely put a target on your back in Rainbow Land! 

And people wonder why I keep my Facebook profile locked the fuck down?

Here is an example of what the admin and moderators see...

Ironically... this was posted in the group Annual Rainbow Family Gathering of the Tribes (with callouts!).

The person thought they could post anonymously because those admin and moderators there say they stand by and support allowing anonymous posters to remain anonymous.

Yet... here we are huh?

Just goes to show that the admin and moderators of Facebook groups are some of the most hypocritical, untruthful, and untrustworthy Rainbow out there that do whatever they see fit, whenever they see fit, and with whoever they want to... 

This particular admin goes by Memphis Anyolite.

One of the more well known and proven Leaders of Rainbow in the Heirarchy and Gang of Nine.

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