Sunday, July 7, 2024

Shouldn't Karen Zirk be looked at as one of the bonafide Rainbow leaders by now?

I mean literally....

Her hands and imprints are all over the Annual/National Rainbow gatherings each and every year.

Her finger prints are everywhere you look that involves Rainbow and it's inner circles along with the way things currently operate.

She is definitely at the top of the Rainbow Heirarchy! 

As everyone knows... if Karen says it then it IS OFFICIAL!

From her blog that seems to be the modern day mouth piece for Rainbow, to her being privy to everything scouting related without being a scout, to her continuity wanting to "represent" and "speak" for Rainbow through pretty much every sort of outreach group they come up with now a days, and knowing where the council sites will be beforehand and even the main site that is predetermined by the Heirarchy.

She hides behind her shenanigans that you will always see in the way she attempts to protect herself from taking the blame or any responsibility for her own actions with her to be expected IMHO's and her indepth disclaimers: on everything she seems to say.

Guess her position must have something to do with how to keep the myths of Rainbow alive. If anyone could keep alive all of the Rainbow myths that are constantly being made up it would be right up her alley.

That... and all of the psychology fuckery that Rainbow is well known for using on others.

Definitely would be very valuable in utilizing her expertise to feed the cult like aspects of Rainbow that some seem to live by yet say does not exist.

Maybe she will get a book out of it all someday?

They say Rainbow has no leaders?

I beg to differ as do many others!

Welcome the fuck to THEIR home....

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