Friday, July 5, 2024

A letter from the Maidu to the NFS supervisors

Hmmm... they say they have "documentation" of past Rainbow shit? It would definitely be interesting to see the "documentation" they claim to have.

Definitely proved that they are pure blooded Americans that seem to be after some more of that almighty dollar that they crave like everyone else in our country!

Asking for reparations for "past" events?

They talking about the gathering 20 years ago and it took them 20 years to think it was a problem now? You'd think that if it was that big of an issue with all that "damage" done... they would have done it 20 years ago.

Guess they now have the Rainbow excuse to use as a bargaing chip with the Gubernment now...

MAYBE they would be happy if they got one of those sacred casinos, as reparations, that they seem to love so much!


I am speaking of people and it has nothing to do with their ethnic makeup...

I'd say the same thing about ANY group of people that care more about making that almighty dollar off of other's gambling addictions and ruining people's lives in the process!

Whether it be the Italian Americans, Dishonest Donald, or Native Americans...

Any humans that feel the need to make money off of others sufferings are truly pathetic and a disgrace to our human race.

They might as well become drug dealers if some of them already aren't. 

I don't see anything sacred about it!

And I wouldn't think the Great Spirit or Creator would either!

Everyone seems to want to talk constantly about things that are sacred yet don't seem to care or want to talk about the many things they do daily that are far from being sacred.

Isn't that hypocritical? 

They only can smell when other people's shit stinks but have grown so used to their own shit stinking they can no longer smell it!

Typical Americans huh?

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