Friday, July 5, 2024

Rainbow makes and breaks a new record yet again

I have not seen the "official" head count or statistics of this year's Annual/National yet but I am sure they broke the records by having the least amount of people who showed up at it than any other previous Annual/National Rainbow gathering in the past. 

This alone speaks volumes!

Will Rainbow ever recover after this year's shenanigans and fiasco? 

I quit telling people about the gatherings and that they should go, many years ago.

I guess this year will cause the same thing to happen with others and they will feel the same way.

It's getting harder and harder not to.

It is so wrong to look someone straight in the eye and keep spreading the lies that these modern gatherings are anything like the many great gatherings of the past.

But, at the same time, I really don't have the wind left to explain to them why that is and what has made it become what it has become today.

Either way... at least we have a new poster child for what NOT to do or become!

That honor goes to James Parisho!

The ultimate definition of what a Drainbow Rainbozo is...

I am sure even more people will now decide to not attend since James and his Rainbow Reich Wingers seem to becoming the new standard and norm of today's Rainbow gatherings... and no one seems to care!

Welcome the fuck home!

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