Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Locals say Jason Ingram runs or ran a semi-legal cannabis business

It turns out that Jason Ingram runs or ran a semi-legal cannabis business in his area called Ingram Family Farms.

That's the legal part...

It was supposed to be a medical marijuana farm in support of medical patients only.

Alot of Rainbow that are locals are saying that the word around the area is that Jason was growing large amounts of clones and starters that were unaccounted for and selling them to illegal grow ops and that people were even coming from Siskiyou County to buy bulk from him and his strains for their illegal grows there.

They said that it has all been overlooked by the "people that matter" in his area because of his position as a District Supervisor to his County.

And apparently that the "people that matter" in his area, including him, are all part of a so called good 'ole boys club and that type of mentality of I scratch your back you scratch mine!

Makes sense!

I mean who is going to complain about an elected official to other elected officials that are his friends?

Fucking small town conspiracies huh?

Then a local wrote this recently on Facebook...

Wow... such blatant and sanctioned disrespect for the laws by an elected official?

And obviously greed!

Go fucking figure!

That whole County must be fucked and no wonder their crime rate is way above the California standard!

Maybe whatever cannabis board California has needs to fully investigate this guy's business?

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