The self proclaimed King of Rainbow has officially announced his blessing for the Offical Arizona Love gathering.
If Adam Buxbaum aka Finch says it is official than it must be.
All the while telling people to keep it offline yet posting a lightline online that defeats the purpose.
More of that trying to tighten the reins of who controls things or who they want to include.
Wanna be Mafiosa tactics I guess...
Isn't he off Travelling in India trying to show people how Rainbow he is?
Hopefully he didn't steal other people's money or things again to fund it.
Funny how one of the highest hustlers and conmen within the leadership and Heirarchy of the NRO has so much influence into EVERYTHING that has to do with Rainbow and it's gatherings.
Most of the violent criminals and chomo pedophiles literally have this guy to thank for them still being able to participate within Rainbow and it's gatherings.
It is common knowledge amongst many that he repeatedly stands up for and protects such people.
Finch will always claim that he is non violent and a pacifist yet uses his cult like tactics and mind games to get the same violent criminals and chomo pedophiles he protects to do his dirty work for him whenever he asks.
I guess they feel indebted to him?
It truly amazes me at just how many people say they won't go back to a Rainbow gathering again and his name always seems to come up as being a part of the reason why.
Rainbow was never intended to have one person like Finch at the top of everything Rainbow related with the amount of control and manipulation such as he has over it and anything pertaining it.
More and more you hear people starting to call him the Offical King Of Rainbow....
A true lesson of life...
When an individual in Rainbow thinks they are the King and at the top?
It just means when they fall it will hurt the hardest.
People will start waking up, and are, and see him for what he really is.
Eventually someone will come along and knock him off his hi holy horse!
Hopefully sooner than later....
It is almost as if Rainbow truly has become a cult with Finch being the leader...
Welcome the fuck to HIS home!
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