Sunday, September 8, 2024

Shanti Sena

Everyone at a Rainbow gathering have heard the words Shanti Sena.

But for those that don't know what it is or means it is time to learn what Shanti Sena means.

It is said that if you are fearful or scared that something bad is happening or about to happen at a Rainbow gathering all you need to do is yell SHANTI SENA at the top of your lungs and HELP will be on the way!

The Rainbow po po poe poe lice will come a runnin!

Now this is NOT always true...

A good majority of people attending the gathering could give a fuck about hearing the words Shanti Sena being yelled.

They just don't seem to care or want be a part of what they know will be happening once those words are yelled. 

But that is quite understandable. 

People in the past might have been having a problem with someone that is just that... nothing more than a simple problem.

It happens ALL the time...

So they yell Shanti Sena at the top of their lungs hoping to get the attention of anyone and everyone around in ear shot.

And it does.

Or did? 

The use of the word has so many times in the past been abused by others that a good majority of people that hear it just ignore it now and carry on whatever it is they are currently doing.

But then there are always the ones that hear those words being yelled and come running as fast as they can only because they want to get into the middle of whatever is currently going on and feel the need to prove to everyone around JUST HOW MUCH RAINBOW THEY TRULY ARE for all to see.

Nothing more than violent attention seeking drama whores!

Now I definitely see the intention of having Shanti Sena and the need for it but don't see the need of what people use to accomplish the mission of BEING Shanti Sena or how Rainbow reaches some of the outcomes and "accomplish" handling a Shanti Sena call out.

The did not want to call them The Rainbow Police.

Though MANY do.

I guess yelling anything that has the word police in it at a gathering would only get the opposite reaction of what they are hoping for.

Instead of a whole shit load of people running towards the screams of police they would only run from them thinking the poe poe is coming.

And everyone knows how much Rainbow despise and hate the police. Mostly because off all the drugs, wants and warrants they have, and well... Rainbow has a high percentage of true criminals that want nothing to do with the police.

They all got that NWA "Fuck the Police" attitudes...

So let's look at the word...

What is Shanti Sena and what does it mean to and for Rainbow and it's gatherings?

Shanti simply is a word for and means peace. 

It is from Hinduism and is a Sanskrit word meaning peace or inner peace.

Pretty straight fucking forward...

Rainbow claim to love peace afterall.


In India, "sena" is a noun that means "the army". It is also used in the names of certain paramilitary political organizations.

Paramilitary Rainbow Police suits it well I guess...

So Shanti Sena means Peace Army.

Ironic that they use a word that describes an army yet hate the military and it's veterans.

Taking the words Shanti Sena further and you will find it goes back to the days of Gandhi...

"Shanti Sena" is a term first coined by Gandhi when he conceptualized a nonviolent volunteer peacekeeping program dedicated to minimizing communal violence within the Indian populace.

Got it!

More proof that Rainbow does indeed like to appropriate, or I mean borrow... words, beliefs, traditions, and spirituality of the Native Americans but also need to feel the need to do the same with the people from India.

Maybe the old timer Rainbows had some "Indian" fetishes back then?

So... they got the army word right from the definition and description...

And they do act like an army.

Well... more of a violent vigilante mob and gang that come running with the intention of hoping to fuck someone up!

When the yell of Shanti Sena blares through the air at a gathering some ignore it because it is over something that does not require mass amounts of people showing up.

They know that people frequently scream Shanti Sena over nothing and even over the simplest of things.

Usually from some of the drama whores that seek attention or just want people to come running to back them up when they are not getting the results they wanted and are fucking with someone themselves over something that is quite meaningless and has no need for Shanti Sena's presence in the first place.

BUT then you get the same standard and typical response of people showing up that think they are bad asses and have to show everyone else around just how Rainbow they truly are and want people to see them and be known as Rainbow bad asses.

The Rainbow Rambos!

You get one of these people on their own and they are pretty much pussy posers that only seem to become a bad ass when they have their Rainbow mob of an army behind them in mass.

Well less of a Rainbow army and more a violent vigilante mob of people acting like a gang using their gang mentality and well known mob mentality tactics that Rainbow like to utilize to accomplish things they often want to achieve.

And most the people that show up are usually there with that same exact mind set along with a few people trying to calm the mobs and keep it peaceful usually being sisters that do that.

Don't really know what is so PEACEful about that....

Their idea is creating peace through violence I guess!

And I have seen it all over the years. 

And people often like to get their mass violent vigilante mobs to come a running over complete lies in in order to create a problem for the person that they have as their target. 

Knowing that people that feel the need to show others that they think they are Rainbow Rambos having to prove to others just how much of a bad ass they are...

Many of these people that take action first without even truly knowing what it is about in the first place.

I have seen many people get beat down by these vigalante mobs.


And not just at the gatherings! 

Often the people on the receiving end are completely innocent of what they are being accused of.

I have seen people literally be assaulted with a shovel!

And it's already been reported on...

More than once.

Shut up and eat it loved their shovels!

Amongst other things like the new found fondness of steel water bottles!

And proudly posting the dents made in the bottle from hitting someone... for all to see as a warning to others and clearly wanting some sort of Rainbow "cred" to add to their made up Rainbow resumes...

And then there is the all too common use of duct tape that Rainbow love to use any chance they get and now along with zip ties.

You ever see that famous picture of a hippie being duct taped to a wheelbarrow and being paraded through the gathering to show everyone their "policing" and shame him that was floating around decades ago?

Yeah I will try to find it again and post it.

(Well here are the pictures but I was wrong about them being duct taped...)

Just another Rainbow chomo caught molesting a ten year old?

Unfortunately it was nothing new and still isn't. 

Just like the Geat Lakes Rainbow Family's recent incident involving another ten year old by this Scumbag.

At least this guy was arrested unlike the Great Lakes NRO Heirarchy standing up for, supporting, protecting, and helping their chomo get away!

BUT... Rainbow LOVE to duct tape people to trees!

I have personally seen this happen twice now.

Once in Florida and once in Kentucky.

The one in Florida was found to be based on lies. 

Can not say it was a mistake as those lies were purposely used to get that specific outcome and the person was truly innocent of the reasons why they were duct taped to the tree in the first place and FED LARGE AMMOUNTS OF LSD at that! 

I know I know...

Duct taping people to trees?

Can't be real... BUT IT IS!


Well ole Betsie... non violent huh?

You are failing to say anything about THE VIOLENCE that is used to "detain" and duct tape them to the tree in the first place!

Guess that is the "acceptable" violence huh?

And others notice...

I guess if violently physically assaulting someone along with kidnapping someone along with forcibly holding them against their will is your thing IT IS YOUR THING! 

No federal charges for me thank you!

YEAH... PEACEful indeed!

But definitely an army of a riled up agro and violent vigilante mobs of people using a gang like mentality and tactics to accomplish whatever they want for their desired outcome! 

So basically what it comes down to is that when someone yells SHANTI SENA at a Rainbow gathering many want no part of it now a days.

Wonder what happens when my dog gets loose and I see her hiding and yell at the top of my lungs "SHANTI! I SEE YA!".


Welcome the fuck home!

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