Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Rainbow hypocrites show their true colors once again

It appears that the Rainbow Family have already decided that others are not welcome at their gathering and "walked" someone out that they did not want at their gathering.

When they say "walked" I am sure it was done by using force, intimidations, and threats of violence if that person was not already assaulted in the process!

Isn't it completely hypocritical and ironic that they feel they have a right to gather where they want, even if they are not wanted, because EVERY American has the right to be in and use our National Forests and then tell others they are not welcome there but they are?

But then again, Rainbow have been known to kidnap people, hold others against their will, and assault them as they see fit when they see fit!

And nothing is ever done about this!

If the locals did to them what they do to others they would bitch and whine about it happening yet have no problem doing it to others...

Why is it that Rainbow DEMAND that their Civil Rights be respected yet feel there is no issue with them not respecting other's Civil Rights and trample on them as they see fit?

If anything... this is one of the most hypocritical things about Rainbow that others get to see on a regular basis!

It turns out they feel they are the only ones that have the right to gather and not others...

They show it constantly and could care less about what people see them do!

If they are unable to get the person they don't want to be there they will slander the person, make up lies about them, or even poison them!

Not very much of a Welcome Home to where everyone is accepted and loved huh?

Don't believe their lies that EVERYONE with a belly button is welcomed with open arms!

I truly think one of Rainbow's biggest beliefs is now...


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