Monday, July 8, 2024

Looks like Lassen County District 5 Supervisor Jason Ingram is spreading more lies

Wtf is wrong with this ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIAL?

Spreading more lies once again...

Telling people that there were 15,000 people at this year's gathering when there maybe were around 3,000.

Then he chooses to post a picture of a raging fire saying that it was at the gathering in California when it is actually was at the alternative gathering in Michigan.

Definitely trying to stoke a fire, pun intended, with all the other locals with his bullshit propaganda and proven lies! 

The thing is... he knows he is lying and simply does not seem to care.

And people elected this lunatic to a fucking public office?

Sure says a hell of a lot about the locals in his district!

I guess they think they can trust a known compulsive liar when they need him for something. Bet he throws them under the fucking bus! 

Maybe he is best off illegally selling cannabis through his legal cannabis business!

I could not help but take a screen shot of what someone said in response to his post.

They put things to words better than I could over this.

Definitely gonna keep track of this guy from now on over the next few years! 

He might not get a Rainbow scumbag but he is a scumbag none the less and I hate scumbags!

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