Sunday, March 12, 2023


So I guess Vice did something about the gathering last year! It can be found here...

I got a kick out of the sister who was screaming at the top of her lungs at the crew for filming. 

Not too funny but quite comical, amusing, and entertaining! 

That sister needs to put down the meth microphone and STFU!!! 

Yet another fine example of a person of Rainbow that makes other people not like Rainbow! She can break any damn law she wants and do the fuck whatever she wants including trampling on other's Civil Rights... but forbid others to do what they legally are allowed to do in our country! 

Shows just how hypocritical Rainbow is and has become! 

That cunt did not get her way and tried to start mob mentality tactics to get it! 

She is nothing but a domestic Rainbow terrorist in my eyes!

The jokes on her though! 

MILLIONS of people AROUND THE WORLD get to see her at her finest online now! 

She is THE joke in the many eyes of the world that watched it!

Creates more damage to the Rainbow image and how people see it! 

Makes all of us look bad to others... but of course it is excepted because she is part of the hiholy cult leaders/dictaors/focalizers/con men that have to answer to no one but expects everyone to answer to them! 

Just goes to show that Rainbow cult  leaders/focalizer/dictators/con men can tell others what to do and control them but don't have to play by the rules as the others that are expected to!

 Another fine example of the hypocrisy of Rainbow. 

"Do unto others as you DON'T want them to do to you!" 

Rainbow sure like to tell people they can't do something legal because they don't like it... while doing whatever the fuck they want regardless of other's Civil Rights! 

But I guess Rainbow can always gather up a mob of people to intimate them or threaten them with violence to force them out of the forest they have every right to be in... just like them! 


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