Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Whatever happened to that Beaver Stew "kitchen" and their bus?

Whatever whatever happened to the Beaver Stew "kitchen"?

Last I remember they were taking advantage of the known kindness, generosity, and gullability of the many members of the Rainbow Family asking for donations for their "kitchen" talking about how they were trying to get a bus so they can make their presence known at gatherings and disaster relief to feed people.

I do believe they ended up getting mass amounts of donations for their scam sham.

And getting their bus.

Then after getting their bus through donations they did a few song and dance pony shows after the hurricane projecting the image that they were doing disaster relief and starting a new gofundme asking for more donations. 

Give us more More MORE basically while trying to leach off of various other non profits.

Even went as far as saying they were working for one particular non profit and asking for even more donations... but to give them the "donations" directly and to bypass the nonprofit they supposedly worked with. 

Typical Rainbow scam sham looking for yet another free ride I guess...

They sure haven't been to any gatherings feeding people like they claimed they wanted to do.

Like I said before... so many new people seem to think they can boost their egos and power status within Rainbow by saying they want to start a Rainbow "kitchen" but need people to buy them a bus so they can "feed the masses"... but then always end up not doing that once they get what they are after and their new bus.

I guess other people started seeing through Beaver Stew's charades and motives of their scam sham?

Last I read Greenpea Taco was off on his own saying he wanted to go a different direction and move on with their life to do something "better"... and making posts on Facebook begging other Rainbow for more money yet again... of course.

I guess conning and scamming for money in the name of running a "kitchen" was a lot easier than actually running the kitchen.

Especially when others start to see through the scam finally and quit giving more of that free money and handouts.

Can only go so far with that before people wake up and smell the bs I guess...

I always find it entertaining and amusing when so many of these Rainbow vagrants boast about the life they live and how good the are at traveling and hustling but then go on Facebook bitching and whining about how cold they are and are stranded then begging for more money for a bus ride somewheres.

When are people gonna learn not to support these fly by night "kitchens", that are a dime a dozen, always begging and asking for money and donations for buses but never end up doing what they claim and say they will do.

Beaver Stew "kitchen" has proven my point all by themselves and their actions.

Well, at least, someone has a new personal bus to enjoy... paid for by the gullability of others once again!

The only thing that "kitchen" has seemed to cook up is a pot full of bullshit!

Maybe they need to mentor under Useless and learn how to run a profitable "nonprofit" like him and his old lady have done with their scam of the Suicide Awareness Bus and Spirit House.

There seems to be a lot of money to be made off of other people's misery and saddness!

But the... that seems to be the Rainbow thing to do!

Welcome the fuck home?

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Rainbow scumbag being a Rainbow scumbag yet again

It looks as if the Rainbow scumbag Koi Stoner is doing shiesty shiat once again. 

Stealing a person's dog is pretty fucked up but at least the known and proven Rainbow sexual predator/chomo didn't molest another child... yet.

That will probably happen down the road at another gathering some day though...

I am sure he will be welcomed back to the Rainbow gatherings again, as usual, with plenty of hugs and "Welcome Homes"!

Everyone already know that the leaders and Heirarchy of the NRO LOVE to support, stand by, and protect sexual predators like him as they have constantly proven to have done before too many times to mention!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Why are most of the scumbags in the Rainbow family males?

And we have the next Rainbow scumbag to come along!

This is a follow up on the recent post that a few sisters were in that involved a meth head, sexual predator, and child abuser Here.

One of the most saddest things about the Rainbow Family is the way many of the males will stand up for other scumbags that are horrible people.

Especially against the females many who are victims and survivors! 

A sister made a post about the awful things this Manny the Hippie has done to her and others to warn other sisters about the guy.

Unfortunately Rainbow is full of people that like to victim shame sisters who have experienced horrible things.

Which brings us to this guy...

... who has gone out of his way to truly victim shame a sister, cyber bully her, threatened her, and defendend a meth head, sexual offender, and child abuser.

If you read that thread or something like this...

Would you think this is a perfect example of a man that abuses a woman?

Even Manny himself thinks so...

This guy Greg seems to not think so even though another sister has also spoken out about the same guy Manny.

He says he's going to make fake posts about her...

Then he does make two separate fake posts attacking her (a victim/survivor) with with lies and her pictures which I have left off. 


Yeah... oh fucking k buddy! 

Obviously this Greg is clearly a dumb fuck scumbag himself!

Then he goes on to attack the sister (a victim) and EVEN FUCKING THREATENS HER with the Ocala remark!!!

Notice how his threat includes "we"? More of that Rainbow gang like mob mentality?

Greg is probally just another Rainbow that starts violence with others that ends up getting other people killed then runs of claiming he did nothing?.

Wonder if he instigated all the violence in Ocala where people were killed in the past?

Keeping all the screenshots in that post because Rainbow often like to erase the shit they say...

Perfect example why is because of this NRO leader and admin as an example...

She removes one post but keeps the other even though Greg clearly stated he would make up lies about the sister (a victim) and post it?

This Dianne Tuttle is obviously a peice of shit for knowingly allowing the lies to remain up for all to see.

Looks like she is in on the victim shaming... go figure.

And she continues it by trying to draw the attention away from the Manny issue by allowing others to gang up on the sister (victim/survivor) over her mistakenly saying Manny was traveling with someone and then bans the sister.


No banning the others attacking the victim/survivor?

At least I am not the only one that truly thinks Diane is fucked up...

Hopefully more people will speak up even knowing that they could possibly be banned oir doing so.


So what do we have in the Manny the Hippy post?

We have a sister (a victim/survivor) that made a post warning others about a dangerous man.

Another sister (victim/survivor) backs her up.

And a third...

Then we have a male, Jonathan, attacking her and standing up for the scumbag.

Mr. Taliban himself.

Wonder if European gatherings have a Nazi Camp/kitchen that is accepted there?

And then along comes this man, Greg, who is also standing up for the scumbag and taking the victim shaming and attacking of the sister (a victim/survivor) to a whole new level and including threats.

The guy actually goes out of his fucking way to make up lies and post them about her in the same group,  which I might add again, the NRO leaders who happen to be the admin of the group... allow it and do nothing about it.

And then we have a NRO leader and admin jumping in on it and then banning the victim/survivor who was not being anywhere near abusive to others as they were to her... and that is perfectly fucking fine.

This seems to be a common thing amongst Rainbow family.

And they want to convince you that the Rainbow gatherings are safe?

Not only are the Rainbow gatherings UNSAFE for females and children...




Yeah... this is how the Rainbow Family rolls now a days!

And people keep wondering why the Rainbow gatherings are shrinking and no one wants to go anymore?

Maybe it has to do with the same shit as in that post ya think?

Part of their Rainbow CULTure perhaps?

The NRO leaders and their Heirarchy protect criminals, pedophiles, junkies, sexual predators, and violent people so much now a days... that they are the only ones that are safe at the gatherings. 

And are the only people apparently going to the gatherings now a days.

Total 80/20 rule in effect.

When the gatherings had 20,000 people there it was 80% good people and 20% bad people.

The bad people were much more diluted and less noticeable. 

Now we have gatherings with 2,000 people and 20% are good and 80% are bad.

Much more polluted and less diluted and the bad people ARE more noticeable because of it!

That kind of hits fucking hard but it has become the norm and truth of the modern day Rainbow Family and their gatherings.

So if you are a junkie, a pedophile, a criminal, a sexual predator, or a violent person then you will be welcomed there with open arms and have a place amongst the rest of them looking for their next victims to prey upon!

This scumbag Greg seems to feel right at home... go fucking figure!

Maybe sexist male abusers like Greg protect and stand up for others like them?


He might prey on you next!

And remember if you too are sexually assaulted without consent by Greg... he will try to run your name through the mud and spread negativity about you online and within Rainbow to try and make you look bad when he is the scumbag and trying to draw attention away from the himself and the truth! 

Typical Rainbow males now a days!

That POS can come see me in Ocala!



Welcome the fuck to their home!

Rainbow is DEAD!

Only the empty shell of what it once was remains...

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Rainbow family supports the Taliban!

Over the past few years there has been a well known and frequented winter Rainbow camp/kitchen that has been in Quartzsite Arizona called The Taliban.

This year they even had a communal Thanksgiving get together and dinner.

Must have had the women doing their cooking there?

It seems to belong to this guy...

... the same guy in the last post that was standing up for a known meth head, sexual predator, and child abuser... Manny the Hippie!

Most Americans are quite familiar with the Taliban and Afghanistan considering they are the people that harbored the terrorists that committed the plane attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks, including most of the fatalities from the World Trade Center.

This ended up with our country getting into a major military conflict/war in Afghanistan which just ended a few years back.

It is quite disgusting, if you ask me, that Rainbow would even have a MAIN winter camp named after them! 

Not only is it a disrespect to the many people and veterans that served our country there but even more so to the many brothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives and died in Afghanistan as a result. 

They say Rainbow was initially created for and by the many veterans that were coming back from the Vietnam war.

But those times have obviously changed in Rainbow land.

I have previously written how modern veterans are now looked down upon within the modern Rainbow family.

Incidents such as Handi Camp saying they are a private camp and that a disabled veteran with handicap plates on their vehicle were not allowed to park at or utilize their "handicap" parking lot.

Or the fact that many Rainbow will gang up on people when they find out they served our country, and our veterans, and shame them by calling them "baby killers", "murderers", "feds", or claiming that they are government spies still working for the government.

Truly a disrespect to all veterans and just goes to show that though Rainbow like to state and include the fact that veterans helped create Rainbow and it's gatherings in their hipstories... they could honestly care less about our veterans and do anything possible to shame the veterans and make them feel uncomfortable and not want them to be a part of the Rainbow Family.

The same veterans that helped create the Rainbow of the old days. 

But, let's put the disrespect of our veterans by Rainbow aside and look more at the Taliban themselves.

Does Rainbow think it is funny or comical to have a well known winter camp/kitchen named after the Taliban?

The Taliban believe in raping underage girls and child bride marriage! 

The Taliban believe in Bacha bazi which refers to a pederasty practice in Afghanistan in which men exploit and enslave adolescent boys for entertainment and/or sex. The man exploiting the young boy is called a bacha baz (literally "boy player") Typically, the bacha baz forces bacha (or boy) to dress in women's clothing and dance with bells on his feet.

The Taliban do not support women's rights and see them only as property. They don't allow women to have an education. They don't allow women to be a part of politics. They don't allow women to work. The women in Afghanistan are restricted in their freedom of movement. They also have restrictions on what clothes the can wear.

Maybe this explains many of the attitudes that Rainbow males have against females? 

And there is so many more horrible things at that...

So you have to ask WTF is Rainbow doing having one of their main winter camps/kitchens named the fucking Taliban! 

And why do so many Rainbow support and frequent this particular Rainbow camp/kitchen?


I guess the King of Rainbow and NRO leader, Adam Buxbaum aka Finch, supports this camp considering it is where his girlfriend ironically stays at when in Quartzsite. 

This Taliban camp is nothing more than a disgrace and yet another black eye on Rainbow family and their gatherings!

Kind of makes one wonder about what Rainbow has truly become, what it is becoming, and the people within this modern day Rainbow that has been taken over by a few and has become for the few.


And people wonder why Rainbow and it's gatherings have shrunk so much over the years and is continuing to shrink.

I have been told that the Taliban camp/kitchen has temporarily left Quartzsite and is now at the Blacksheep gathering in California. 

So... IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT THE FUCKING TALIBAN... head on over to the Blacksheep Rainbow gathering currently being held in Kern County, California! 

Directions can be found on their lightline which is 510-545-9452...

Might as well go ahead and say hi to Manny the Hippie while you are there!

The Taliban supports this meth head, sexual predator, and child abuser and are most likely giving him support and a place to stay!

Most likely with open arms, lots of hugs, and constantly being told "We love you"!

And also say hi to Jonathan... the wannabe leader of the Rainbow Taliban!


Do you think that women and children are safe around The Taliban camp/kitchen knowing just exactly what the Taliban stand for and are?



And it doesn't take a moron to figure out why!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Known meth head, sexual predator, and child abuser headed to the Blacksheep Gathering in California

There has been uncertainty on whether the Black Sheep gathering would be happening this year.

But, low and behold, one of the main NRO leaders of the Heirarchy, the King of Rainbow himself... Adam Buxbaum aka Finch, has decided to announce that he has given permission for the Blacksheep gathering to happen!

Along with his demands that it be invitation only and by word of mouth.

Yet... he allowed them to ironically post a lightline (5105459452) that defeats the whole purpose of why they claim they want it to be word of mouth only!

Not like LEO hasn't already called their fucking lightline!

No... it is truly about two main things.

1. Whoever controls information seem to get the power and control that they are after by doing so.

2. By word of mouth only... they control who they want to attend THEIR gatherings and who they DON'T want to attend.

They definitely don't want anyone to come along and knock them off of their high holy horses or question their intentions, actions, and motives.

I have always been led to believe that Rainbow and it's gatherings have been and are supposed to always be inclusive to all.

All that bellybutton shit...

Even the World Rainbow Family (funny how Adam Buxbaum aka Finch has so much control over them too...) has jumped on the NRO agenda of making Rainbow invitation only!

They definitely want people to know by posting this dozens of times everywhere on Facebook that is Rainbow related!

I guess The NRO wants to be more secretive like the Mafia they are starting to become.

And clearly want to hide what they have become and are now about.

That being said... let's get back to the Blacksheep gathering that is currently happening in California.

I guess Adam Buxbaum aka Finch has personally invited a known meth head, sexual predator, and child abuser to the gathering!

A good friend!

Go figure!

Crazy how they claim to say Rainbow Gatherings are safe yet personally invite and bring a known meth head, sexual predator, and child abuser into the gathering with open arms awaiting for hugs and a loving welcome home...

His name is Manny the Hippie.

And many sisters are starting to come out against this guy and the things he seems to have done to many.

I am sure this won't be the last of this!

All it takes is one brave sister to speak up and hopefully more will feel comfortable and safe to do so.


One of the interesting things on that post is how a man...

...is trying to draw attention away from the seriousness of this scumbag and attack and shame the sisters trying to speak up and warn others.

I guess this guy's camp is the well know Taliban camp which sure says alot!

Go figure!

Of course he is Adam Buxbaum aka Finch and Finch's buddy... and probally Manny the Hippie's friend too!

This seems to be a common occurrence in Rainbow land where a male will stick up for scumbags that do horrible things and rather victim shame and attack the people that should be listened to and that experienced truly horrible things.

SISTERS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT RAINBOW IS FULL OF PEOPLE LIKE JONATHAN TOO... people that are part of the pollution and no where near being part of the solutions.

Shunning is the key to making people like Manny the Hippie NOT WANT TO GO TO ANY GATHERINGS ÀNYMORE or feel accepted!

YET... The NRO would rather invite dangerous people like him and cause the kind and good people to stay away and no longer want to go to any Rainbow gatherings ever again...

Any people wonder why gatherings keep shrinking with no one wanting to go anymore?

Makes you truly wonder what the Blacksheep gathering is about?


I am sure there will be plenty of meth there!

Wonder if Gary Stubb's Rainbow Crystal Meth Kitchen/camp will be there this this year? 

Rainbow is decaying and almost dead!

And not gratefully...


Monday, October 21, 2024

Funny how the truths come out when moderation and censorship in Rainbow Facebook groups is removed!

With one of the biggest Rainbow Groups on Facebook getting hijacked by spammers and the old admin like Amy removed people can really get a good insight into the reality of just how fucking awful so many people that claim to be Rainbow and attend the gatherings are!

Along with those admin removed came the freedom of speech and no censorship of what many Rainbow truly feel and are like.

I have been saying for along time how so fucking many Rainbow are anti-trans and that it is quite dangerous for trans folks at the gatherings.

All it takes is a quick read through THIS POST to see how they treat trans people that come to Rainbow looking for some of that peace, love, and joy that Rainbow supposedly hides behind that is simply nothing more than complete lies.

Inclusive to all huh?

Anyone with a belly button huh?

So many anti-trans Rainbow family are quickly coming out of the shadows to spread some of that modern day Rainbow Family Of Dying Darkness And Hate and show their true colors for all to see.

Yeah... it is awful for sure.

But... in all reality, the leaders and Heirarchy of the NRO can no longer do their routine censorship to hide what a good majority of Rainbow are truly like and about!

Now EVERYONE can see and no matter how hard the NRO want to convince the outside world that those people are nothing more than trolls the sad reality is these people are far from being trolls and truly are the people that Rainbow has become filled with...

Yeah... Rainbow is decaying and dying faster and faster every year to where the only people that call themselves Rainbow Family now and go to the gatherings anymore will be these scumbags.

Violent criminals? 


Sexual predators? 











AND... any trans brothers or sisters that go to a gathering should KNOW they might not be safe.

All it would take is one of them not liking you being there then spreading lies about you and gathering their friends to gang up and use mob mentality to run you from their gathering or even worse.

AND no one will stop them...

Sad but fucking true.



Welcome the fuck home!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

How amusing!

Actually... truly fucking hilarious if you ask me.

Apparently the main Rainbow Facebook group's admin lost their site!

Can't help but laugh...

Wonder if Amy fucked with the wrong people and made some enemies?

Props to the people who did it!

Gonna be interesting to see where THAT goes to next!